Safety Rules and Guidelines
Please read our safety rules before you visit Social Fair
At Social Fair, your safety is our number one priority. Before you participate in any of our attractions, make sure you read our safety policy and rules. They’ll help you make the most of your time here at Social Fair.
Our venues comply with all relevant Australian industry standards and our equipment has been sourced from leading industry partners based on proven performance, longevity and safety. That means that when you visit us for your next adventure, you can rest assured that you’ll be in good hands.
Entry Rules
Personal information about visitors to our site is collected only when knowingly and voluntarily submitted. For example, we may need to collect such information to provide you with further services or to answer or forward any requests or enquiries. It is our intention that this policy will protect your personal information from being dealt with in any way that is inconsistent with applicable privacy laws in Australia.
Use of Information
- Children under the age of 16 must be supervised by an adult at all times
- No outside food or drink is permitted at Social Fair
- No food, drink, or gum is to be consumed on the activity zone floor
- Birthday cake/item or lolly bags for Social Fair parties are to be consumed only in the party rooms
- All participants must wear an appropriate coloured wristband to participate
- Visitors should not attempt any activity above their skill level
- For safety reasons, pregnant women, guests with pre-existing health conditions or guests wearing a hard cast are not permitted to use the equipment
- The safety of your personal belongings is your own responsibility. Social Fair assumes no responsibility or liability for property that is lost or stolen. Any items left unattended will be placed in lost & found and will be disposed of in 30 days if not collected
- Social Fair reserves the right to refuse entry or eject any person from the premises at any time
- No person is allowed on the premises while under the influence of drugs
SkyGlider HighRopes
Every glider participant must view the safety briefing to ensure that they understand how to navigate safely. Please adhere to the following rules and guidelines:
- You must be 125cm to participate – height will be checked upon entry
- 1 hour total inclusive harnessing time (please arrive 15mins prior)
- Maximum weight limit is 90kg
- Must wear closed toe shoes
- Pockets must be free of any loose items
- You must watch and understand the safety video
- You must be fitted in a harness by a Social Fair Activity Crew
- You must wear a Social Fair helmet at all times
- Only one person is permitted per obstacle
- Wait until the previous person safely dismounts the zipline before taking your turn
Climbing Arena
Every climbing participant must complete a safety briefing to ensure that they understand how to climb safely. Please adhere to the following rules and guidelines:
- You must be 4 years or older
- Maximum weight limit is 125kg
- Climbers 12 and under require an actively supervising adult (1x adult per 4x climber)
- Must wear closed toe shoes
- Must attend and understand the safety briefing
- You must be fitted in a harness by a Social Fair Activity Crew
- Pockets must be free of any loose items
- Only one person is permitted per climb
- Always check beneath you before belaying down
- Ensure your harness is safely clipped to the belay line before you climb
Mini Golf
- Strictly ages 5+
- Adult supervision is required at all times for ages 5-12
- Swings must be no higher then knee height
- You must not hit any props
- Always carry your putter facing the ground
- Recommended for 1-12 year olds
- Adult supervision is required at all times
- Must wear grip socks – No shoes!
- No food or drink is permitted in the play area
- No running, pushing or shoving; please be courteous and play safely. Rough and unsafe play won’t be tolerated.
- Only one child per slide
- Go down the slides feet first
- No climbing on the outside of the play structures
The above rules and policies are intended for your safety. Please make sure you read them before visiting our venue.